J.U.H.T.F is a non-profit UK charity which is run by a group of dedicated trustees.
The charity aims to provide help, support and guidance to teenagers, young people, adults and their families that require a univentricular heart transplant. Dealing with the news that you require a heart transplant and the difficult decisions that you will have to make will open a floodgate to many unanswered questions. By using our personal experience and by patients sharing theirs we aim to support you on your univentricular heart transplant journey.

Sponsored Challenges
Sponsored challenges are an excellent way for individuals or groups of people to fundraise for our charity.
By collecting sponsorship from your friends, colleagues and family members along the way.
You help us make a huge difference.
Remember to register your fundraiser with us to receive your information pack.
Simply complete the registration form at the bottom of this page and we will pop your fundraising pack in the post.
Below are some ideas to help you plan your sponsored challenge.
Participate In A
Walk, Run Or Marathon
Whether its taking part in a competitive event or just for fun.
In fancy dress or your Sunday best.
Your sure to enjoy yourself whilst fundraising along the way

Cycle Ride
The distance of the ride is your choice be it taking part in an organised event or a sponsored leisure ride. Your sure to gain support from your family and friends.
Take the leap of faith and jump from a plane.
Organising a sponsored skydive is a fantastic way of fundraising for J.U.H.T.F whilst enjoying those thrill seeking moments on the way down.

Tough Mudder
Push your self to the limit by participating in a tough mudder endurance event. These obstacle courses are sure to test your strength along the way.
Registering Your Sponsored Challenge
Thank you for choosing to take part in a sponsored challenge for our charity.
We appreciate your support, please complete the registration form below and we will be in touch with you shortly.
Please note: We treat the information that you provide in this form with the strictest confidence. The information is used by us to support you on your fundraising journey and is not shared with any other parties.